IPAC Adds New Manual Transmission Additive to Product Line
A large number of vehicles on the road today depend on manual transmissions, and notable instances of this are large trucks used for distribution and long-haul. The requirements for these transmissions, while often similar to what is required for axles and differentials, are still unique and often demand a specific fluid for the application. In addition to unique technical demands, these trucks need extended drain intervals, putting additional demands on the fluid. In some cases, fluids based on EP technology such as is found in gear oils, can actually cause damage. Ideally, manual transmissions are formulated to meet their own unique requirements in order to ensure maximum performance and long life.
When a gear oil is used for manual transmissions, it is typically at the API GL-4 level, and this type of fluid often does not adequately meet modern transmission requirements. Alternatively, when an engine oil is used for this application, it may provide protection against wear, but there are still significant short-comings compared to a dedicated fluid such as one made using IPAC 9450.
Since IPAC 9450 is a dedicated manual transmission fluid additive, it has been specifically designed for the unique requirements of manual transmissions. IPAC 9450 will deliver optimal frictional properties, excellent wear performance, outstanding oxidative stability, resistance to foaming, resistance to yellow metal corrosion and rust, excellent low temperature properties and compatibility with a broad range of seal materials.
When formulated into synthetic fluids, IPAC 9450 provides extended drain protection. Contact your IPAC representative for formulation details and more information on the applications where this new additive can be used.